Home - Zorgaanbod - Artsen - Dr. (MD, PhD) Jean-Philippe Vercruysse

Jean-Philippe Vercruysse

Secretariaat : 014/31 56 56
E-mail : secretariaat@nko-mol.be
Afspraak via : 014/71 20 53

Extra informatie

Oto-neurotologie – European Institute for ORL (Antwerpen)
Wetenschappelijk consulent – European Institute for ORL (Antwerpen)

Bijzondere interesses
Oto- en neurotologie, evenwichtsklachten, oorsuizingen, neus- en sinuspathologie, algemene NKO en pediatrische otorhinolaryngologie.

Behaalde certificaten, wetenschappelijke publicaties, bijscholingen

1. Somers T, Vercruysse JP, De Foer B, Casselman J, Govaerts P, Offeciers E The retrofacial infralabyrinthine route to the sinus tympani in cholesteatoma: evaluation of feasibility with CT-scan Imaging. Proceedings of the VI International Cholesteatoma Conference, Marseilles: Label Publ. In: Magnan J, Chays A, eds., Cannes, p. 489-495, June 2000
2. Th.Somers, J.Ph. Vercruysse, B. De Foer, J. Casselman, P.Govaerts, E. Offeciers The retrofacial infralabyrinth approach: surgical access to difficult areas of the temporal bone and lateral skull base. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg. 2000;55(1):85
3. Somers T, Vercruysse JP, Govaerts P., Offeciers E. Giant congenital intracranial epidermoid tumor: a case report. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg. 2001;55:77-81
4. Somers T, Vercruysse JP, Goovaerts G, Govaerts P, Offeciers E Isolated squamous cell carcinoma of the tympanic membrane. Otol Neurotol. 2002;23:808
5. Vercruysse JP, Offeciers E, Schatteman I. Somers T, Govaerts P The use of malleus allografts in ossiculoplasty Laryngoscope 2002; 112:1782-4
6. J.Ph. Vercruysse, C. Van Laer, R. Loncke, W. Jeuris, J.B Vermorken, P.Parizel , P. Van de Heyning Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor of the vagus nerve with intracranial extension Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg. 2002;56(1):41
7. De Foer B, Casselman J, Govaere F, Vercruysse JP, Pouillon M, Somers T, Offeciers FE. “ The role of MRI and diffusion-weighted images in the diagnosis of middle ear cholesteatoma”, Acta Radiol Por. 2002;54:89
8. Vercruysse JP, Schatteman I, Govaerts P, Offeciers FE. “The use of malleus allografts in ossiculoplasty”, Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg. 2003;57:33.
9. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Somers T, Pouillon M, Casselman JW, Offeciers FE. “The value of diffusion-weighted MR-imaging in the diagnosis of primary and residual cholesteatoma : a surgical verified study in 100 patients”, Clinical Otolaryngol. 2005;30:292.
10. Vercruysse JP, De Foer B, Pouillon M, Somers T, Casselman J, Offeciers E The value of diffusionweighted MR-imaging in the diagnosis of primary acquired and residual cholesteatoma: a surgical verified study of 100 patients Eur Radiol 2006;16:1461-7
11. Vercruysse JP, Wojciechowski M, Koninckx M, Kurotowa A, Claes J Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis: a rare cause of neonatal nasal obstruction J Pediatr Surg. 2006;41:e5-7
12. Vercruysse JP, Casselman JW, De Foer B, Somers T, Offeciers E Congenital bilateral oval and round window aplasia with a hypoplastic stapes Otol Neurotol. 2006;27:441-2.
13. Vercruysse JP, Claes J Chondrosarcoma of the nasal septum: a report of two cases. B-ENT. 2006;2:27-30.
14. Vercruysse JP, Pilet B, Michiels J, Vertriest R, Pouillon M, Somers T, Casselman JW, Offeciers E Single-shot Turbo Spin Echo Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging versus Spin Echo Planar Diffusionweighted MR Imaging in the Detection of Acquired Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: Case Report AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2006;27:1480-2.
15. De Foer B, Pilet B, Vercruysse JP, Casselman JW, Non EPI Diffusion weighted imaging in the diagnosis of cholesteatoma Magnetom Flash 2006,1:24-29
16. Somers T, Vercruysse JP, Stollman M, Zarowski A, Verstreken M, Offeciers E Stapedotomy with microdrill or carbon dioxide laser technique: influence on inner ear function. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2006;115:880-5; discussion 886
17. Somers T, Vercruysse JP, Zarowski A, Verstreken M, Schatteman I, Offeciers E Transient Depression of Inner Ear Function after Stapedotomy: Skeeter versus CO(2) Laser Technique. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. 2007;65:267-72
18. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Pouillon M, Somers T, Casselman JW, Offeciers E Value of HRCT and MRI in the detection of residual cholesteatoma in primary bony obliterated mastoids. American Journal of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery. 2007;28:230–234
19. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Pouillon M, Somers T, Casselman JW, Offeciers E. Letter to the editor: comment on Trojanowska et al. Differentiation between cholesteatoma and inflammatory process of the middle ear, based on contrast-enhanced computed tomography imaging. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2011;125:877-8; author reply 878
20. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Bernaerts A, Maes J, Deckers F, Michiels J, Somers T, Pouillon M, Offeciers E, Casselman JW The value of Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in the Detection of Middle Ear Cholesteatoma. Neuroradiology 2007;49:841-8
21. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Mariën P, Colpaert C, Pilet B, Pouillon M,, Smet MH, Casselman JW, Breysem L . Cervical ectopic thymus presenting as a painless neck mass in a child: imaging diagnosis. JBR-BTR, 2007, 90: 281-3
22. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Somers T, Casselman J, Offeciers E MRI of cholesteatoma. ENT news November–December 2007;16;2-4
23. Lemmerling MM, De Foer B, Vande Vyver V, Vercruysse JP, Verstraete KL Imaging of the opacified middle ear. Eur J Radiology 2008;66:363-371
24. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Bernaerts A, Deckers F, Pouillon M, Somers T, Casselman J, Offeciers E Detection of Postoperative Residual Cholesteatoma With Non Echo-Planar Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Otol Neurotol 2008;29:513-7
25. Vercruysse JP, De Foer B, Somers T, Casselman J, Offeciers E. Pediatric Bony Mastoid and Epitympanic Obliteration. Otol Neurotol 2008;29; 953-960
26. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Offeciers E, Casselman J MRI of cholesteatoma. In Recent advantages in Otolaryngology: 8 (Eds. J. Keir, D. Moffat, H. Sudhoff) Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd (1 Mar 2008): p 1-23
27. Offeciers E, Vercruysse JP, De Foer B, Casselman J, Somers T. Mastoid and Epitympanic obliteration. The obliteration technique. In Chronic Otitis Media. Pathogenesis Oriented Therapeutic treatment (Ed. B. Ars) Kugler Publications. Amsterdam 2008; p299-327
28. Vercruysse JP, De Foer B, Somers T, Casselman, Erwin Offeciers, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of cholesteatoma: an update. B-ENT;2009: 233-240
29. Casselman J, De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Somers T, Offeciers FE. “Radiological differentiation of residual cholesteatoma”, In: Surgery of the ear – Current topics. P. 214-15. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on cholesteatoma and ear surgery. Ed. N. Ozgirgin. Rekmay Publishing Ltd, Ankara (2009).
30. De Foer B, Kenis C, Vercruysse JP, Somers T, Pouillon M , Offeciers E, Casselman JW Imaging of Temporal Bone Tumors. Neuroimaging Clinics North-America;2009:19: 339-36
31. Vercruysse JP, De Foer B, Somers, Jan Casselman, Erwin Offeciers Long-term follow-up after bony mastoid and epitympanic obliteration: radiological findings. Journal of Laryngology and Otology;2010:124: 37-43
32. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Bernaerts A, Meersschaert J, Kenis C, Pouillon M, De Beuckeleer L, Michiels J, Bogaerts K, Deckers F, Somers T, Hermans R, Offeciers E, Casselman J Middle Ear Cholesteatoma. Radiology;2010;255: 866-87
33. Van Dinther JJ, Vercruysse JP, De Foer B, Somers T, Zarowski A, Casselman J, Offeciers E Subarcuate supralabyrinthine approach for supralabyrinthine petrosal cholesteatoma. Ann OtolRhinol Laryngol. 2010;119:42-6.
34. De Foer B, Vercruysse JP, Spaepen M, Somers T, Pouillon M, Offeciers E, Casselman JW Diffusionweighted magnetic resonance imaging of the temporal bone. Neuroradiology. 2010;52:785-807
35. De Foer B, Kenis C, Van Melkebeke D, Vercruysse JP, Somers T, Pouillon M, Offeciers E, Casselman JW. Pathology of the vestibulocochlear nerve Eur J Radiol. 2010;74:349-58.
36. Van Rompaey V, Zarowski A, Vercruysse JP, Somers T, Offeciers FE. “Usefulness of hydroxyapatite bone cement to overcome crimping problems in primary stapedotomy.” Int. Adv. Otol. 2011; 7(2): 165-71
37. Govaerts J, Vercruysse JP, Samoy K, De Groot V, Jorissen M, Claes J. Myospherulosis as a complication of functional endoscopic sinus surgery: a double case report. B-ENT. 2013;9:339-42.
38. De Foer B, Nicolay S, Vercruysse JP, Offeciers E, Casselman J, Pouillon M Imaging of Cholesteatoma in Temporal Bone Imaging (Springer) (Edited by Marc Lemmerling and Bert De Foer) (2014); p69-87
39. van Dinther JJ, Vercruysse JP, Camp S, De Foer B, Casselman J, Somers T, Zarowski A, Cremers CW, Offeciers E. The Bony Obliteration Tympanoplasty in Paediatric Cholesteatoma: Long- term Safety and Hygienic Results. Otol Neurotol. 2015 36:1504-9
40. Vercruysse JP, van Dinther J, De Foer B, Casselman J, Somers T, Cremers C, Offeciers E. Long-term results of mastoid and epitympanic obliteration with a canal wall reconstruction technique (CWR – BOT) in troublesome cavities after prior canal wall down surgery in an adult population. Otology & Neurolotogy 2016; Mar 25
(epub ahead of print)
41. The Bony Obliteration Tympanoplasty in Pediatric Cholesteatoma: Long-term Hearing Results.van Dinther JJS, Coopman R, Vercruysse JP, Somers T, Zarowski A, Vanspauwen R, Maryn Y, Cremers CWRJ, Offeciers FE. Otol Neurotol. 2018 Jul;39(6):715-723. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000001846. PMID: 29889781

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